Stop What’s Holding You Back

Have you ever really wanted to do something, but a part of you felt that you can’t do it, or you felt that you can’t afford to do it, or you felt that you are not bright enough, or there may be many other excuses that come to mind to stop you from doing something you’d love to do. This is all down to what is known as the internal family system (IFS), or otherwise known as Parts Therapy. The internal family system is an approach that discovers and addresses the various sub-personalities within each individuals mind.

When I teach Parts Therapy to students, they are blown away by how powerful parts therapy is. There are various parts of us that come in to help at times of need, some parts may have been with each individual for a long or short time, but they always come in to help us. There are no bad parts, they are simply parts of us. The parts range from happy to sad parts, nurturing to pleasing parts, biology to distractor parts, depressed or manager parts, rebel to protector parts, and striving to vulnerable parts and so many more.

Each of us has a Self, and the Self should be the lead organiser in coordinating the parts. The Self signifies what each of us is at the core. The Self exhibits many positive characteristics such as confidence, wisdom, acceptance, composure, compassion, connectedness, and perspective, so the self at its core is the invisible leader. The parts can literally create havoc for us, but through your training with me, you’re taught how to communicate with the parts, and discover when the parts arrived to help, why they came to help, and then you can then communicate with the issue parts to bring about a positive resolution for the part and for the client.

Parts therapy is just one aspect of the Clinical Hypnotherapy and NLP Training with my school, there are so many interesting aspects to the training. If you are interested, please get in touch and we can have an informal catch up on zoom.


The Importance Of Explaining Hypnotherapy To Clients


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