One To One Advanced Hypnotherapy Practitioner Diploma
One-to-One Advanced Hypnotherapy Practitioner Diploma
Fully Accredited by the ACCPH
Accredited Practitioners only for entry onto this accredited course. This training offers you updated knowledge, skills, philosophies, approaches, and some wonderful techniques.
The cost of the 15 hour one-to-one accredited training is £495.00.
Some of the amazing topics we will be covering during training are:
Anxiety and nutrition
Depression and nutritional supplement/treatment.
Insomnia and ego control
Head, heart, gut brains
The sleep committee
Un-focusing unlearning.
Energetic or cellular level root cause healing.
Cellular Memory
You will discover how to place great importance on converting your newfound knowledge and theory into practical uses that can it be directly used in your hypnotherapy sessions with clients.
The Advanced Hypnotherapy Practitioner Diploma covers various subjects for you to update your knowledge in being the best hypnotherapist that you can be. You will discover the importance of protein and food in building up positive mental health for our clients, and this is very good knowledge to own. We also look at the links between anxiety and nutrition and how nutrients, deficiency, and food sources affect our mental health and wellbeing.
We also cover water and its effects, as the brain needs water to function, and when there isn't enough, our cognitive abilities are compromised. We also learn about Sugar and how it does not cause anxiety. What sugar does do is create changes in your body that may make our anxiety symptoms worse, or cause feelings that trigger anxiety attacks, and this gives you the confidence to deal with those with sugar addictions. We also cover in detail serotonin, dopamine, and melatonin, this gives you great knowledge.
We also look at the negative effects insomnia has on the mind and body. We also discover how to build ego strength for our clients, so that they have bounce back ability. You also learn a great deal about narcissism and coercive behaviour for you to help your clients. We also cover individual drugs and the hazards of taking them, as this gives you the knowledge to feel super confident in dealing with clients.
We also look at the three brains, as we now know that humans have at least three brains. We know that we each have a head brain of cognitive perception, thinking and logic. We also have a heart brain that processes emoting, feelings and relational effect of making and assigning meaning. Our final brain is our gut brain where we find our personal identity, self-preservation and safety, and motivation and the courage to act. All of our brains are incredibly delicate.
If you are a fully qualified hypnotherapist who would like to build more positive aspects of their career, this is the course for you. You will train one-to-one with me in St Annes for 15 hours, we can arrange the days and the hours to suit the both of us. The cost of the advanced training is £495