One To One
Parts Therapy Negotiator Training
One To One Parts Therapy Negotiator Training
Private One-to-One Parts Therapy Negotiator Training
15 Hours CPD
The Cost is £495
History of Parts Therapy
Parts Therapy is also known as The Internal Family Systems (IFS) which is the work of the amazing Richard Schwartz. It is also known as Ego State Therapy that was originally developed by John G. Watkins and Helen Watkins, psychotherapists who specialised in hypnosis, dissociation, and multiple personalities.
What is Parts Therapy
The use of parts therapy for inner-conflict resolution normally involves mediation between the two primary parts in conflict, which we call the conflicting part and the motivating part. Many of my sessions involve calling out only two parts, but other parts do exist, and, occasionally, we have to call out more than two parts during a session.
The hypnotic state makes it easier to communicate with each part and reduces the risk of interference from the analytical conscious mind. Competent use of parts therapy helps to discover the causes of problems, to release them, and then facilitate subconscious relearning with the previously conflicting parts now integrated into a state of inner harmony.
Working with Parts Therapy
Do you feel confident working with Parts Therapy on clients, if you don’t, this training will build your confidence in doing so? I know that many therapists are scared of Parts Therapy, but you really don’t need to be, as it is so empowering for our clients.
You may find it difficult working with clients shame, as shame is an emotion that warps our whole identity, making us believe that we’re damaged in some way, and unworthy of love and goodness, this training will help you immenselyin being able to help the client in dealing with their shame and making peace with who they are.
During your Parts Therapy Training
You will discover the keys to the psychodynamics of clients symptoms.
You will learn about the various personality parts of which are features of oursubconscious, each with its respective jobs or functions of the inner mind, as in day-to-day life, we basically wear many different hats as we walk along the path of life, and you will learn a lot about the various hats.
You will discover how to confidently work through clients conflicts to untanglethe webs of self-sabotage, so that your clients can expand into new positive opportunities.
You will uncover the store of consciousness where the seeds of all of our partsreside, and you will discover how the seeds, of consciousness carries the habitsfrom our clients personal history.
What is Inner Conflict
Inner conflict refers to the struggle between the various parts of a person’s subconscious mind, which leads to conflicting thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. Within the Internal Family Systems (IFS), inner conflict arise when two or more parts of a person’s inner system are in opposition to each other, creating a sense of inner turmoil.
Inner Conflict Example
This is a classic example of how inner conflict arises. Viv was stressed at work, and she felt like there was an intense inner fight going on within her. Viv had such a powerful urge to eat a very large bar of dairy milk chocolate, (this is a distractor part), whilst on the opposite scale another part of Viv was trying to reason with her to not eat the chocolate, as she is trying to lose weight for her holiday (this is the disciplined part). Between the two parts, Viv was totally confused as whether to eat the chocolate or not. After working with various parts of Viv, including her biology part, Viv stopped eating chocolate. Viv and I discovered that the distractor part originally arrived to distract her when she was at university studying to become a lawyer, she was so stressed, so the distractor part gave her dairy milk chocolate to distract her from her stress. Parts Therapy really is magical.
What you Learn During Advanced Training
✓ Parts Therapy Negotiation
✓ What is Parts Therapy
✓ Client-Centred Hypnosis
✓ Therapist-Directed Hypnosis
✓ Primary Hypnotherapy Objectives
✓ Release and Subconscious Relearning
✓ The 4 FTs of Ideomotor Response
✓ Psychodynamics of Symptoms
✓ The Answers
✓ The Agreements
✓ The Preparation
✓ Hypnotic Inner-Conflict Resolution
✓ The Various Parts
✓ The Core Self
✓ The 11 Step Process
✓ The Full Dialogue
✓ Explaining Parts Therapy Effectively
The Course is Fully Accredited by the ACCPH
The training is in St Annes and the dates and times are arranged at suitable times for ourselves.
Lunch and refreshments are included.