Coaching Academy
Annette Brown Coaching Academy offers Accredited Life Coach Training at Level 4 Diploma in Life Coaching with NLP
Many people ask me “what is life coaching”, I always reply with: Life coaching is conversations between two people (unless it is group coaching), by either one-to-one, via zoom, or via the telephone. The main purpose of life coaching is that the coach guides the client to more success, happiness, and wellbeing.
As coaches we support our clients in learning new ways of working and being, to improve their performance and establish better outcomes. I believe that deep down our clients know that life could be better or perhaps that they know that something isn’t quite right, that something’s wrong, however in most cases, they can’t put their finger on what the issue is. Often the client knows what they want, however they don’t know how to go out and get it. As coaches, we help our clients to decide.
In a nut shell, Life Coaching is:
Choosing where we want to be and how we there.
Creating frameworks that encourage, excite, and motivate your clients.
Knowing that the future doesn’t have to equate to the past.
Thinking about our current circumstances and clarifying our goals in all aspects of our life.
Creating a nurturing a safe space to bring our clients authentic self to every session.
Exploring our thoughts, feelings, and experiences to promote new learnings and positive action.
Improving our communication skills, and being more confident, motivated, and proactive.
Cultivating self-discipline, creating positive attitudes, and changing unwanted behaviours.
Creating a plan to realise our aspirations in life.
The Qualities of being a great coach
Building your business on honesty, truth, and trust.
Celebrating even the smallest improvements and victories.
Owning exceptional listening and communication skills.
The ability to demonstrate rapport, congruency, and empathy.
Being none-judgmental.
Respecting client confidentiality.
Let the clients know they are listened to, and that they feel valued and understood.
The ability to influence motivation for each client.
Trust and belief in your clients.
Be committed to your clients success.
Have a positive attitude, no matter what life throws at you.
Holding clients in being accountable.
Know how to support their clients to achieve more than they otherwise would.
Annette Brown Coaching Academy offers Accredited Life Coach Training at Level 4 Diploma in Life Coaching with NLP
This Accredited Level 4 Diploma Qualification gives the students the confidence, knowledge, skills, and proficiencies to work as a Creative Life Coach to help their clients to make truly positive changes in their life. This training course is filled with so much positive and powerful information to not only help you to help your clients, but also to help you to expand and grow personally and professionally.
This course is designed to prepare students to build their business, so they work as self-employed life coaches in their own coaching practice. Over the training months, you will expand and grow from taking your first steps in to coaching through to a high-level of competency across a broad set of coaching approaches.
I am a pioneer of positive living and I’m therefore proficient in positive-personal change! To me, life is a gift, and life coaching is a creative gift for coaches to be able to make such powerful changes to people’s lives. Being a creative life coach gives you the best opportunity to make the positive changes for your clients and their lives.
At Annette Brown Coaching Academy, you will learn with me, everything you need to know to be the best in your field. You’ll be proficient in how you creatively coach, as I personally, offer you the opportunity to develop various styles of my coaching practices. My personal tutoring and experience will enhance your own knowledge to build a successful coaching practice and a successful you!
The Accredited life coaching course is based over 100 hours. Of which 60 hours are face to face hours, 15 hours self-study and the remaining 25 hours is based upon you coaching 5 independent clients (no other student members) for 5 x 1-hour coaching sessions.
Working with me gives you the opportunity learn in a practical, fun, and easy way. This course is based upon an easy-to-follow learning process which focuses on how you think-feel-behave as a coach and how very astute you become in using coaching and NLP language.
This course is full of informative knowledge with amazing tools and techniques that enables you to build your coaching skills competently and skilfully in a creative and positive way.
The Cost:
The Venue:
The Inn on the Prom, St Annes, Lancashire.