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The Manifesting Universe Law of Attraction Online Course
Many people centre their attention on working with the Law of Attraction to magnetise into their lives external things they think will make their lives more complete and make them happy.
Happiness is an inside job, and therefore to actually believe that external things can make us happy, just isn’t right, and yet on the other hand external things can give us pleasure, which is a completely different thing.
Happiness, and feeling good from within magnetises to us the things we wish for in life, and this is the basis of the Law of Attraction.
The answer to anything you wish for in life is to FEEL your way through by FEELING happiness in the MAGIC of now!
Be consciously aware that magnetising and attracting is all about feeling good happier feelings and trusting in the Universe via the Law of Attraction to bring you your desires.
The Law of Attraction works like a dream in the material world, and even more so if you can apply it from a spiritual standpoint, and on the spiritual level, by focusing on an attitude of gratitude, positive changes will occur when you appreciate the smallest steps of progress, and that means no matter how small.
You are no different to a radio transmitter, your energy resonates like a two-way radio, a human transmitter and receiver of energy in life and this course will help you to understand how to tune into manifesting your dreams and desires.
What you will learn on this online course:
Clarification of your dreams and desires.
Discovering your obstacles and eliminating them.
Stepping out of your comfort zone to experience all you wish for.
Eliminating unproductive beliefs.
Forming new beliefs.
Creating new neural pathways for manifestation.
Aligning with your desires.
Working with the Universal laws for abundance and prosperity.
Increasing your magnetism daily.
Using the Universal Plan in daily life.
Creating with the Law of Attraction in your day-to-day life.
Third Eye visualisation creativity.
Your vagus nerve and actively creating.
How to be the very best version of you.
Increasing positive wellbeing.
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You can claim your FREE 10 minute taster of my powerful new subliminal MP3 download, The Manifesting Universe!
The full 60 minute version, along with the E Book are also available!
Check them out now, just click below!