Accredited Integrated Therapy Practitioner Training
Accredited Integrated Therapy Practitioner Training
Become a Fully Qualified & Accredited Integrated Therapy Practitioner
Discover The Power of Clinical Hypnotherapy, NLP, EFT, & Mindfulness Combined.
One to One Training or Group Training.
The Cost £4750.00
The Integrated Techniques are proven to be powerful, fast and effective, whether used together or individually. For us to be effective Integrated Therapists we must use techniques that are highly effective, and the integrated therapies are just that, highly effective. The Integrated Techniques you learn will help clients in breaking through their barrier blockage and as a result enhance the results more quickly and effectively, setting the clients free once and for all.
Being an Integrated Therapist
Being an Integrated therapist involves integrating various techniques from multiple therapeutic disciplines to treat our client’s unique problems. Integrative therapists understand that by tailoring the therapy to the individual client’s needs, this achieves the most significant effects for the clients.
Integrative therapy allows the therapist to combine different therapeutic techniques as and when they are required. The aim of Integrative therapy is to improve the proficiency and effectiveness of treatment and adapt the combination to the specific needs of each individual client.
Being an integrative therapist is all about you combining various techniques during each individual session with your clients, and this approach is considered to be more flexible and inclusive than other approaches that tend to be limited to the boundaries of their theoretical models.
Why Train as an Integrative Therapist
By training to be an integrative therapist, you’ll be melding Clinical Hypnotherapy, NLP, EFT, AND Mindfulness. This means that you’ll be able to use a multidisciplinary understanding of your clients issues to offer evidence-based support dependent upon what you feel your client will require.
As an integrative therapist you’ll be able hold safe spaces for your clients to be supported through their process of healing, so that they can embrace empowerment. Everyone deserves to be listened to without any judgements, as well as feeling comfortable and at ease and you will hold all the skills required to offer these things to your clients.
The Training Content
Clinical Hypnotherapy: you are trained with a full range of skills to enable you to help clients in all aspects of their issues confidently and professionally. Clinical hypnotherapy helps the client to understand, accept, and handle situations that cause any type of issue. Through clinical hypnotherapy the client can improve their ability to cope with their issues. You will also be trained in Analytical hypnotherapy, as Analytical hypnotherapy explores the client's deepest conflict, trauma, and distress at the innermost psychic levels to bring about resolution and beneficial change. Essentially, this form of therapy is an insight-oriented method like psychodynamic methodology in that it draws out from the client that which is debilitating and unfruitful and that which hinders their personal development. Analytical hypnotherapy will allow the client, therefore, to grow emotionally, to mature psychically and to fulfil their own true potential in life.
NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) is software for the brain, in that it changes how we think, feel, and behave and help us in achieving our desired outcomes. As NLP therapists, we work with people to understand their thinking and behavioral patterns, emotional state, and aspirations. By examining a clients map, we the therapist can help the client find and strengthen the skills that serve them best and assist them in developing new strategies to replace unproductive ones.
EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) effectively allows our clients to release stuck emotions to create new habits, attitudes and responses. To me, EFT is magic! Emotional freedom technique (EFT) is an alternative treatment for physical pain and emotional distress. It’s also referred to as tapping or psychological acupressure. Tapping the body can create a balance in our energy system and treat pain. According to its developer, Gary Craig, a disruption in energy is the cause of all negative emotions and pain. Though still being researched, EFT tapping has been used to treat people with anxiety and people with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Mindfulness is about observation without criticism and being compassionate with ourselves. It very effective in calming down the emotional brain. Mindfulness works by taking your focus to the present moment and away from other thoughts. The way we think, and what we think about, can affect how we feel and act. For example, if you think or worry a lot about upsetting past or future events, you might often feel sad or anxious. It is understandable to want to stop thinking about difficult things. But trying to get rid of upsetting thoughts can often make us think about them even more.
If you decide to embark on this journey with me, trust me, you will never look back, as you’ll exude confidence and trust, and clients will feel confident in your abilities and trust in your knowledge of integrative therapies.
The Course is Fully Accredited by the ACCPH
The training is in St Annes and the dates and times are arranged at suitable times for ourselves.
Lunch and refreshments are included.